Photographs that I have taken.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Carnaval Cruise Ship, Fantasy, arrives in Key West on August 29, 2011

Monday, August 08, 2011

Iguana in Key West, Florida on August 8, 2011

Monday, August 01, 2011

Lobster Boats hurry back and forth between port and the reef in order to deploy their traps in the fishing grounds near Key West, Florida on August 1, 2011.

Coast Guard Helicopter patrolling the waters near Key West, Florida on August 1, 2011.

Ibis feeding in weeds washed to shore in Key West, Florida on August 1, 2011.

Bird feeding in weeds washed to shore in Key West, Florida on August 1, 2011.

Boat near Key West, Florida on August 1, 2011.

Boat near Key West, Florida on August 1, 2011.

Boat near Key West, Florida on August 1, 2011.

Seagull flying near Key West, Florida on August 1, 2011.

Parasailing in water off Key West, Florida on August 1, 2011.

Mangrove Seed floating to find a place to grow near Key West, Florida on August 1, 2011.